Black Girl Magic: 43 Nigerian
Graduates Break Records at
Howard University
Howard graduates had a lot to be proud of at their graduation ceremony.
However, the emphasis was not on the 96 graduating medical students, all focus was on an exemplary list of 46 Nigerian graduates.
Out of the 96 candidates, 46 were Nigerians and out of the 27 awards given, 16 awards were given to Nigerian graduates.
This was such a proud and empowering moment for these students. Never before at Howard University, or any University in the United States has this happened.
These Nigerian students completely dominated the ceremony and made history.
President Obama, the commencement speaker, talked about race and encouraged all the graduates to be proud of their blackness and to always love and embrace who they are.
It is important for us as people of color to continue to break through the glass ceiling.
President Obama’s experience in office showed that racism is real and prevalent, but we can still achieve greatness as long as we believe in ourselves and never give up.
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