Women group laud Makinde on first female SSG

Women group laud

Makinde on first female


It is with great joy that the Board and membership of WOMEN IN POLITICS FORUM (WIPF) – a nongovernmental, multi-party forum for women in Politics wishes to express our hearty congratulations to you on your election as governor of Oyo State and most profoundly the appointment of a woman – MRS. OLUBAMIWO ADEOSUN as the first female Secretary to the State Government in the 43-year-old pacesetter state of Oyo.
Indeed, Nigerian Women celebrate you and recognize this act as a giant stride towards bridging the gap in the marginalization of women in politics and decision making in Nigeria.
Your Excellency sir, we wish to further use this medium to advocate that your administration will be a door for more inclusion and participation of women in Oyo State politics and governance.
We also appeal that you be our champion by lending a voice to your esteemed colleagues across States of the federation to implement the 35% affirmative Action policy to engender a holistic development of our dear nation, Nigeria.
Once again, we offer our hearty congratulations and assurance of our support as we wish you a successful tenure ahead.
Thank you.

Ebere Ifendu, President, WOMEN IN POLITICS FORUM.

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