By Babafemi Ojudu
A friend of mine on Facebook raised the above poser this morning. Yes many people are raising same and they are right to do so following the recent happenings in our party.
Let me answer this question by saying YES, there will be APC come 2023.
While it is true that this is the agenda of some elements within the party they have done well , so well , that they have given the patriots in the party enough notice.
Some of us are monitoring their moves. What they think is their secret agenda is an open book to many of us.
Their nocturnal meetings, every disruptive steps they are taking are known to us and we shall not leave any turn unstoned.
These are the elements whose concern always is the next appointment, the next election. There is no where in between this to think about the people and their plight.
They are those who pride themselves as ‘the first son’ of Mr President, the Daodu. They live more in The Villa than the Governor’s Lodge of the state where they are elected. It is never service but intrigues upon intrigues. They never learn from the intriguing incidents of the last few months that should teach a normal human being that position and power is as transient just as life is.
They are building war chest to cause rancor everywhere , hire unprincipled lawyers and buy larcenous judicial officials . Unfortunately they are filling the chests with resources meant to make life livable for the majority of the people.
Thank God the agencies of government empowered to know this things are taking note and building up files on them. Their judgment day will soon come.
Yes the next few months , for the party, will be rough, it will be tough no doubt. I can however assure that the original patriots who subscribed to the ideals that birthed this party as an alternative to the grab and chop party will not allow it to die.
The strategy which they employed the last time to break the PDP is what they want to employ now. It is taken straight from that same chapter in our political history.
They are also in cahoot with those who have the copyright to that method of splitting parties.
Many of them do not even realize that within this plot there are sub plots, there are agents and there are agent provocateurs. At the right time this pack of cards will fall and scatter.
As we say in Yoruba, dagunro o se je, ise te je tete, e ma je dagunro, dagunro o se je.
They will certainly fail in their ploy, APC is no PDP.
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