9 things you should never say to a divorced woman

9 things you should

never say to a

divorced woman

Unless you ARE a single mom, you can’t feel like one.

In the year 2000 I was happily married (for 13 years, together for 20) to my college sweetheart, with a lovely home and two young children.

Then one day I began the process of discovering my husband’s long-standing affairβ€”with someone I knew very well. Within 9 months my marriage was over.

And though I met and married a wonderful manβ€” and have been married for over 10 yearsβ€”the hurt and pain of that time is still there. Still palpable.

I was (and still am) very lucky to have an incredible network of friends and familyβ€”without whom I would have never come out the other side as successfully as I did. Yet even among my closest friends, I would experience β€œwell-meaning” advice, words and comments that really stung. Things that I myself might have said prior to my divorce, having no idea how powerful those seemingly innocent words could be:
  1. β€œIt’s too bad you have childrenβ€”you’ll always be connected because of them.”

This was very painful to hear. My kids were often the singular reason that I got out of bed many mornings following my divorce. There were so many times that I would wake up not knowing how I was going to face the day. But then I’d remember my childrenβ€”and the responsibility I had to themβ€”and I did what I needed to do. Having them around me made me feel happy, loved, not alone. I can’t imagine my life without them.

  1. (When a spouse is out of town) β€œI feel like SUCH a single mom this week.”
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No you don’t. Yes, you may not have extra hands at breakfast or bath time, but this is NOT the same as being a single mom. The fears, anger, hurt and complications that accompany divorce are there 24/7, as opposed to the temporary β€œsingle” status that occurs when a spouse is away. Do NOT say this, ever.

Read also:Β Woman seeks divorce over father-in-law’s β€˜sex request’

  1. β€œI kind of envy your β€˜alone’ time.”

Another well-meaning comment that ultimately stings. Mainly because even in moments when I was enjoying my β€œalone” time, the reason for it would quickly overwhelm. I was alone not by choice, and as the result of a devastating event.

  1. β€œYou’ll never be truly happy until you forgive.”

I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard this. My husband had an extra-marital affair that ruined me emotionally, physically and spiritually. I will never forgive himβ€”ever. And yet I can say, with complete conviction, that I am happy. Happily married. Happily employed. Happily engaged with life.

  1. β€œI saw it coming.”

Even if you did, don’t say it. No matter the cause, divorce almost always feelsβ€”on some levelβ€”like failure. A comment like this just pours salt on the wound.

  1. β€œIt’s ultimately for the best.”

It’s natural to want to offer hope in this situation. And I was lucky that in my case it really did work out for the best. But in the beginning I was terrifiedβ€”for my financial future, and that I’d never meet anyone else. A comment like this diminishes that fear, and rings hollow.

7. β€œI’d never survive if it happened to me.”

This is like the opposite of the above commentβ€”implying that divorce is something that would decimate the average person. I only wanted to feel β€œtypical”—not some freak or outsider because of my new status.

  1. β€œYou’re so brave.”
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Another seemingly innocuous commentβ€”well-meaning, and yet I can’t think of a single time I heard this that it didn’t ultimately feel like pity.

  1. β€œI would never put up with (insert spouse’s awful behavior here).”

I hung in for months after discovering my husband’s affairβ€”and no one was more surprised than I was. I knew there’d be no turning back once I ended my marriage, and I needed to be absolutely ready and sure before I did. I learned that you don’t REALLY know how much you’re willing to tolerateβ€”until you’re there yourself.


(C) womansday.com

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