Between Udom and Coscharis

Between Udom and Coscharis

By Attah Ikideh

Coscharis is Just One Man, One Ibo Man, who sells cars. This year he diversified and went into rice farming. Now look at the result! Coscharis easy cook rice.

Governor Udom is the Chief Executive Officer of Akwa Ibom State. He is an Ibibio man. He has one of the most powerful seats in Nigeria, Akwa Ibom is the leading State it produces most of Nigeria’s crude oil and makes a monthly return of N20 to N30b. For over four years Governor Udom has unsuccessfully tried to grow and mill rice – it has all come to nought.

We were told Governor Udom was a ‘world global’ investment banker, this was why we trusted him with Akwa Ibom State In 2015. It baffles me why a man with his towering credentials is unable to set up a N300m ($1m) rice industry. Why has he had to lie about it! Why has he had to bag rice from Kebbi and Adamawa State? Is this a bagging factory or rice mill? Even then where is the rice!!?? I keep asking where is Ibom Family Rice on our shop shelves? We were told Governor Udom was an investment banker only to realise he was just an auditor.

This would explain his tunnel vision, nothing creative. Governor Udom has ended up becoming a shadow of Fmr Governor Akpabio, constructing and rehabilitating roads. Governor Udom has ended up becoming an extension of Governor Akpabio, this is something he may not want to hear but that is the truth. He has found himself in an unending struggle trying to outdo and outshine Governor Akpabio the man he hates to love. This is sad because he is governing with borrowed robes? As long as Governor Udom refuses to be himself he will have no lifetime legacy etched into his tenure. People will always look at his infrastructure and compliment his predecessor Governor Akpabio because he is developing outside his character.

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We hear the Governor has just borrowed N32 billion, is this to complete his 20 storey monstrosity when we all know even if that building is 50 storey Exxon Mobil will still not move to Uyo because Akwa Ibom State does not have the requisite human capital development, investment & infrastructure to accommodate a huge multi national company like Exxon Mobil. Which white man or Yoruba man will leave Lekki, VI and Ikoyi to come and live in Uyo? Why are we kidding ourselves? Unless there is a Federal Government directive – corporate South West will not relinquish its hold on Exxon Mobil Head quarters , this is a battle we cannot win. This is why Governor Udom should have concentrated on food, jobs & human capital development in order to develop our muscle as a people. This was why Pa Awo remains Nigeria’s greatest visioner , he knew without the foundation of human capital development undergirding the Yoruba race – Lagos port alone, which at the time was the busiest and richest port in Africa would not rescue his people from the competition and poverty in the future. This was his reason and vision behind free education. Also another legacy of Governor Akpabio which we have heard Governor Udom has grudgingly funded.

By the way Coscharis’s Rice has been flying off the shelves in the land of the living like hot cake – while the only testimony about Ibom Rice is given by those who say they enjoy eating Udom’s Rice in their dreams at night. Which creates this rather odd paradox because these people then have to go to their Pastors for deliverance!

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